The earliest report mentioning ripened curd cheese is from Olomouc (10 January 1583). The first photo of curd cheese production was made before the year 1886 in Prostějov, and the first photo in Loštice – before the year 1900. Photograph of the house No. 57 courtyard in Loštice is a historical monument. Alois Wessels in the midst of his employees. His descendants at the same address are the last producers of the Olomouc curd cheese – A. W. Loštice, spol s r. o.

The earliest report mentioning ripened curd cheese is from Olomouc (1583)

The first photo of curd cheese production in Loštice is before the year 1900. It is unique as it presents the main steps of ripened curd cheese production.

The photo with Alois Wessels in the midst of his employees was made shortly after the year 1909. It is the era of the breathtaking growth of his curd cheese factory.

The oldest photos of curd cheese production is documented before 1886 in Prostějov